Mask US Mascot Costumes

Quality Mascots Made in America

Privacy Policy - Mask U.S., Inc.

If you have any questions or complaints regarding our Privacy Policies, please Email Mr. David P. Bragg

Mask U.S. is a participant in the Platform for Privacy (P3P) Preferences Project. For more information, visit

Credit Card Information

MaskUS processes all credit cards through third party vendors, specifically PayPal and Stripe. MaskUS does not process, store or record credit card information from online purchases.

Payments processed through PayPal are subject to PayPal's Privacy Policy.

Payments processed through Stripe are subject to Stripe's Privacy Policy.

Information obtained from purchases

Your Name, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Items Ordered, and Billing Total are kept by us on our secure server and is kept on file to process your order and as required by law. Except for necessary transmission of information to process your payment through PayPal or Stripe, or create a shipping label with the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS) or FedEX, at no time is any of this information shared with anyone outside of MaskUS.

Information obtained from Server Logs

Our Server Logs automatically collect specific information every time you visit our site. This includes: Date and Time of visit, IP Address, Browser Type, Operating Platform, duration of visit and Pages Viewed. The information is logged both per-session and aggregate total. The per-session log includes all the aforementioned information. It is kept in a password protected directory and only accessible by Mask U.S.. It is not shared or made available to the public. The aggregate information EXCEPT Date, Time and IP Address is kept indefinitely. The information about your Browser type and Operating Platform is used so that we may keep the site compatible with as many formats as possible. The Duration and Pages Viewed information is made available to our advertisers for the purposes of establishing effectiveness and costs for ads. NO PERSONAL, IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION IS MADE AVAILABLE FROM THESE LOGS, INCLUDING YOUR IP ADDRESS.

Information obtained from "Cookies"

Cookies are text files used to obtain various amounts of information depending on their programming. Mask U.S. does not use cookies to obtain personal, identifiable information. You do not have to have Cookies Enabled on your computer to visit Mask U.S. Site in itself. However, you do need to have Cookies Enabled to use our Shopping Cart. These Cookies are only accessible by Mask U.S. and the information contained therein is not make public. Any off-site services which require that you "Log On" and use a "password" do require that you accept Cookies which provide identity confirmation. We do not have control over or access to these Cookies or the information they obtain. (Please see the Privacy Polices of the service providers.) Should you not accept these Cookies, you may not be able to utilize any of these services. Additionally, sites which link to or from Mask U.S. Site may utilize Cookies. Again, we do not have control over or access to these Cookies or the information they obtain.

Web Beacons a.k.a Web Bugs

Web Beacons, also known as Web Bugs, are invisible images (usually 1 pixel by 1 pixel)placed on a web page to collect information similar to that gathered by banner advertisements, but users cannot detect the presence of bugs without looking at the source code or using special software. Mask U.S. does not use Web Bugs/Web Beacons.

Information you request be posted with Mask U.S.

Any information posted with Mask U.S. becomes public information and access to and use thereof is beyond our control. This includes, but is not limited to, any Email address posted.

Protecting Your Email Address

We do not give out Email addresses to anyone without your consent. However, as there are programs which employ the use of "spiders" to search Web Sites for Email addresses, for your security, when you post your Email address to any Web site, we recommend that you use either use an alternate Email address rather than your personal address, or enter the address in such a manner that it cannot be automatically used by others, ie.username@yourdomain.REMOVE(net. com, etc.) with a note telling users to delete the "REMOVE" from the address. While this disables the option to Click On the address to send an Email, it also drastically reduces your chances of having your Email address added to a mailing list via the use of spiders. And since the majority of these spiders are building mailing lists for Spaming purposes, losing the ability to "click on" your Email address is a small price to pay to avoid Spam. 

Users should be aware that when you are visiting Mask U.S., you could be directed to other sites that are beyond our control. There are links to other sites from Mask U.S. that take you outside our service. This includes links from listings, advertisers, sponsors, partners and affiliates that may use Mask U.S. logo or name as part of a co-branding agreement. While we attempt to inspect sites that are directly linked to Mask U.S., Mask U.S. cannot and will not be liable for the content of any site not directly under the control of Mask U.S. nor will Mask U.S. be liable for for the use of any information obtained by these sites whether through the use of Cookies or information which you voluntarily submit.

Emails - Solicited and Unsolicited

Due to the increase in Email related viruses and worms, Mask U.S. does not accept any unsolicited Emails with attachments nor Emails with attachments with file extensions including, but not limited to: ".exe",  ".vbs", ".vbe", "js", "doc", "cfm", "htm or html" or any other extension which can automatically engage or run a plug-in, program or script or which is unfamiliar or known to contain or potentially contain a virus or worm - They will automatically be returned. If you would like to post information, the information must be contained in the body of the Email. Thank You.

Information from Social Networking (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.)

With the increase in social network plug-ins, there is an increase in privacy concerns. MaskUS does not utilize social network plug-ins and therefore does not gather any information about you through social network plug-ins (These plug-ins provide you the opportunity to log on to a website via your social network log on information). The "share" buttons on our site do not track your web activities, but merely shares information about MaskUS on the respective social network.

Protecting Children's Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All data is protected using the most advanced methods available. We do not store financial information like credit card numbers or personal information like social security numbers on this site.


Mask U.S.
3121 Main Street, Suite F
Chula Vista, California 919111
(619) 476-9041

Updated June 2 2018

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